Guacamole salad of Ferrán Adriá

The last 30th of july the restaurant "El Bulli" closed its doors. His chef Ferrán Adriá, considered the best chef of the world, wants to open it again in 2014 as a culinary think tank.

Today´s recipe is from Ferrán Adriá. I have a book since 1994: "70 Platos nuevos y ligeros para el verano. Aceites, vinagretas y ensaladas" by Ferrán Adriá". This recipe is from this book. It´s a salad made with guacamole ingredients. It´s one of his famous experiments with traditional recipes. He turn the recipe upside down and make it in a different way, a "deconstruction"

2 Avocados
2 green onions
2 Tomatoes
Half a bunch of coriander
The peel of a half lime
3 dl. of Olive oil
2 Spanish red chile pepper
Salt Maldom

Chop the coriander and the lime peel and mix them with the olive oil.
Confit the Spanish red chile pepper in olive oil (Confit: Cook something very slowly in fat) We´ll use few drops of them, but you can keep it for another recipes.

Add 2 or 3 drops of the olive oil where the red chile were confited to the olive oil with the coriander and the lime.

Cut the green onion in thin strips. Cut the avocado in slivers with a peeler.

Cut the tomato carefully and take the seeds.

Put the onion, the tomato seeds and the avocado in a plate. Season it with the coriander- lime oil and the salt Maldom.


  1. En casa nos han regalado el libro de Ferran Adriá por Reyes, es una delicia. Ya hemos hecho un par de cositas y ha sido todo un gustazo. ESta ensalada tiene una pinta sublime. Besos

  2. Are you joking? I could eat about 8 of these. I think. If they're good.


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