Sorbet "La Roja"

Today is the "big" day. This evening, in a few hours, is the final football match Spain-Italy.
We have a party at home and yesterday when we were doing shopping I decided to buy some frozen fruit to make a sorbet that we can take tonight in the  dinner as a dessert, then my oldest son gave me the idea of making sorbet "La Roja" and here you are.


Red sorbet:
800g of frozen strawberries
1/2 cup of orange juice
200g of sugar
1 lemon  peeled and seedless

Yellow sorbet:
800g of frozen papayas, pineapples and mangos
1/2 cup of orange juice
200g of sugar
1 lemon  peeled and seedless

In a very good food processor put the yellow ingredients and blend them until you get the sorbet. Pour it in a bowl and keep in the fridge.

Just put the red ingredients in the food processor, it needn´t clean the food processor. Blend the ingredients to get the sorbet.

Take some small  glasses of wine pour 2 spoons of red sorbet, pour 2 spoons of yellow sorbet over it and finally 2 spoons of red sorbet. The idea is making a Spanish flag with the sorbet.

¡¡Aupa La Roja!!!


  1. Está claro que el sorbete ha traído buena suerte!!! ;)

  2. Delicioso para celebrar la victoria!

  3. Y muy refrescante, que ya hace calor. Muchas gracias Ana y Blanca y un abrazo

  4. Buscando una receta google me a traído hasta aquí y me quedo, me han encantado las recetas y las fotos son espectaculares.
    Este sorbete debe ser una delicia!!!!!

  5. Wow this looks fantastic come and post some of your awesome recipes on this weeks recipe swap!


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